Work Experience

See my work experince details below.

  • Software Engineer
    • Designed and implemented an automation to deploy a collector application on AWS EKS:
      • Optimized microservices deployment workflows using AWS EKS, achieving significant improvements in deployment speed, scalability, and high availability.
      • Implemented advanced Kubernetes features, such as self-healing, automated rollbacks, and zero-downtime updates, to enhance system resilience.
      • Results: Achieved important improvements in system performance, contributing to a reduction in downtime and ensuring consistent service reliability.
    • Developed a database collector for Dynatrace:
      • Collaborated with a team of architects to conceptualize, design, and implement the SAP HANA Collector, ensuring seamless data retrieval and integration with Dynatrace. The collector is built on the concept of the OpenTelemetry Collector, utilizing Python and SQL.
      • Results: Enhanced monitoring capabilities through a custom-built Dynatrace dashboard, enabling real-time data visualization and analysis to optimize system performance.
    • Orchestrated a strategic migration from AWS CloudFormation to Terraform for an internal project:
      • Designed and implemented Terraform scripts to replace existing CloudFormation templates, ensuring idempotent and repeatable deployments, while also introducing modular and reusable code.
      • Results: Established a more agile environment to support future scaling and cross-cloud integrations.
    • Designed and enhanced multiple Jenkins pipelines:
      • Developed pipelines for configuration, testing, and deploying applications.
      • Scheduled the pipelines to run at specific intervals, ensuring consistent and reliable executions.
      • Added alerts to inform the team about the pipeline outcomes, sending updates to dedicated channels.
      • Results: Productivity and efficiency were enhanced.
    • Enhanced several dashboards in Kibana:
      • Identified areas for improvement in existing dashboards, alerts, and implemented changes to increase usability.
      • Results: Increased the effectiveness of alerting and response to potential issues.
  • Software Development Engineer, Associate

    Contributed to the design and the implementation of a (Python) CLI utility to manage and generate automatically the deployment workflows as a layer on top of an internal deployment tool. (Currently the maintainer) :

    • Designed with a team of experienced cloud developers the new concept of workflow as collection of deployments and test actions associated with a specific AWS deployment environment.
    • Implemented the CLI generation tool to use generic config files to create workflows in a customizable way.
    • Packaged the project, added the package process using a GitLab CI, to build and publish the build artifact to an AWS S3 bucket.
    • Created an update feature to get the latest shared version from the S3 bucket and promote it from CLI.
    • Results: Improved the lifecycle of all the deployed products. The team reached a more efficient working cycle.

    Contributed in the enhancement and the creation of new features for internal platform that manages cloud environments :

    • Updated the API layer (Python Pyramid) and the task processing side (Celery, RabbitMQ, SQLAlchemy).
    • Updated and created UIs views (JavaScript, ReactJs, Ant design).
    • Packaged the application using Nix and deployed it using Infor tools.

    Implemented the automation to deploy a new multi-tier project on a cloud-based infrastructure on top of the internal deployment tool :

    • Designed, analyzed, and troubleshooted a new large-scale distributed system with the DevOps/SRE practices.
    • Wrote SaltStack script to fully configure the remotely created compute nodes. Using CloudFormation templates to provision the required AWS resources.

    Reduced the deployment time by updating the used environments and automations:

    • Transformed the packaging manager from (nix) to the default python packaging tool using (poetry).
    • Packaged the API codebase and the UI code and added the package process using a GitLab CI, to build and publish the build artifact to an AWS S3 bucket. The packages are used within the deployment process.
    • Enhanced the automation (Salt) scripts to configure the freshly created cloud compute nodes (EC2 nodes).
    • Results: Reduced the deployment time by 40%.
  • Software Development Engineering Intern

    Designed and implemented monitoring and management microservices:

    • Developed solutions tailored for a distributed and large-scale industrial IoT platform.
    • Conducted rigorous tests and proof of concepts to validate the effectiveness and advantages of the designed solutions.
    • Implemented a microservice specifically for collecting and managing remote-exposed metrics from industrial distributed IoT devices, employing scheduled collection job actions.
    • Established dynamic scaling rules for efficiently managing resources, allowing seamless scaling up or down of running instances on a private cluster.
    • Created an automated cluster installer (Vagrant) to streamline the setup of a multi-node and multi-machine cluster using Ansible.
    • Results: Enhanced system monitoring and management capabilities, leading to improved operational efficiency and scalability of the industrial IoT platform. The automation of cluster setup reduced deployment time and increased overall system reliability.